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Using a Convection Oven


Most of the current types of stovetop ranges include convection ovens whether they are electric, gas, fuel, or induction. Convection ovens can improve the efficiency of an oven by allowing it to use less heat but to still evenly cook through and brown food items, in comparison to using a standard oven on the bake setting. 


Standard ovens use heating elements on the bottom the oven floor, which can be made from electric coils or gas burners, and they work by cooking food through radiant heating, but you can learn more about this by talking to experts who are paid well,


To use a convection source oven in the normal bake mode that you are used to using, it will work by using fans inside to swirl the heat around which is why it can work with lower heats and still evenly cook the top. Some models of convection ovens have the added bonus of another source of heat, which adds heat as opposed to just moving the heat from the bottom around the rest of the oven. 


Convection ranges have been popular amongst professional chefs and bakers and are less often found in general designer home households, but it's always an option to step up your cooking skills. In particular, convection ranges are great for roasting meats and vegetables, and they are also good for baked goods like breads and pastries. If the pastries are too delicate however they might be affected by the adding wind during cooking and are best made in a standard range or the conventional bake mode. Cakes might develop a sort of crust from the caramelization process that might not be ideal for some peoples taste, so again try using the conventional bake mode for a classic result.


To get the best results when using a convection range, don't shy away from playing around with it. Definitely use the option when baking or roasting. To avoid overcooking food using some of your standard recipes, try lowering the temperature to get a similar result. Usually this means reducing the temperature by 25 degrees and also reducing the cooking time by 25%, which can obviously end up saving you a lot of time in the kitchen. While you are cooking you should avoid opening the oven door if at all possible because this will disrupt the flow of the hot air that's going on in there. 


It might take some experimentation to figure out which of your favorite foods you like using in a convection oven versus the standard bake mode, but overall you will have more options to customization process.

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